Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm becoming yoga obsessed.

I need something to do. I need to get out of the house at some point during the week- so I decided on Fridays we can have the sitter come for three hours and I will escape for one of them and do yoga. It's going really well- except for the obnoxious people in my class. Today I wanted to punch a lady and I don't think that's very 'yoga minded' so I will just stop there as even thinking about her makes me angry. I think at some point I will do a blog post about the awful people in my yoga class but right now I do not have the time.

But one of the best parts of this is that I signed up for a women's yoga retreat this October! I am so excited- it's about 2 hours away in the NC mountains- time to think- be by myself...omg. I cannot wait. I need to get some clothes though- so I'm going to plug here about a giveaway for some kickin  be present mobility pants that I want to take with me reeeaaalllllyyyy bad. Old habits die hard and I love entering contests, so head over to Newly Crunchy Mama of 3 and try to beat me. Hahahah. No seriously- I really want these pants so I might have to fight you for them.

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